8 Types of Speed Bumps That Annoy Malaysians

8 Types of Speed Bumps That Annoy Malaysians

We all spend our days driving over speed bumps and probably lost count when we get to our destination. Even though they are meant for safety purposes to slow down traffic in selected areas, some can be quite nerve-wracking.

Here, we list some of the typical speed bumps you’ll find on Malaysia roads and how each bump ranks in annoyance level.

1) The Bumple Bee

Malaysia big wide speed bumps | Carput
Photo credit: The Star Online

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗

Usually found around residential areas and less busy roads. Due to its wide and thick design, driving through it doesn’t cause much discomfort at a slower speed but speeding over it will definitely make your car fly.

2) Mini Bumple Bee

Malaysia small speed bumps | Carput
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗⊗

These are abundant in those lorongs where you take your shortcuts to avoid the traffic. If you overcome one of these, get ready for 10 more ahead.

3) The Rubber Bump

Rubber speed bumps | Carput
Photo credit: The Parking Lot Guys

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗⊗

For those who like shopping malls, these are a common sight. This speed bump by itself is not a challenge but try looking for a parking spot in Mid Valley during weekends. By the time you find a vacant spot after going around 20 times, be sure to check your wheels if they are still intact.

4) The Royal Rumble

LDP rumble strips | Carput
Photo credit: Google Maps

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗⊗

These are called rumble strips and they seriously do rumble your everyday life out of place. Driving through these feels as if your car is falling into pieces. “I don’t feel anything in my City.” Hold it right there, buddy. We are ranting on behalf the thousands and thousands of Peroduas and Protons out there, mkay. Peace.

Carput Car Battery Instalment
5) The Let Me Cross Please?

Pedestrian speed bumps | Carput
Photo credit: Penang Monthly

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗⊗


These speed bumps act two ways; to slow down traffic and as a pedestrian-crossing. Not much of an annoyance but you’ll feel a strange feeling in your gut if you don’t slow down. Also, if you see any pedestrian attempting to cross, have mercy and give way lah okay.

6) The ‘Welcome’ to the Neighbourhood

DIY speed bumps | Carput
Photo credit: kwiknews.my

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗

This one, Mr D.I.Y. approves. The fact that these speed bumps are not installed by the authorities means that its physics are not regulated. You can almost feel the pain in your own skin going through one of these. Try to avoid roads and lanes having these around at all cost.

7)The Inverse Speed Bumps

PotholePhoto credit: pothole.info

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗

AKA potholes. Plentiful on Malaysia roads but you’ve got to admit that these ‘bumps’ are really effective in slowing down traffics. A seasoned Malaysian driver, however, can skillfully avoid these easily.

8) The Combo

Speed bumps and pothole | Carput
Photo credit: VWVortex.com

Annoyance level: ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗

Don’t judge a speed bump by its hump, guys. If you drive towards one of these thinking it’s just a speed bump and never have you been so wrong. A not-so-happy-meal combo indeed.

Do you find speed bumps a problem in your every day’s drive? How do you deal with annoying speed bumps? If you can relate to this pain, share it with your friends!

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