Driving long distance or for a long period of time can be unpleasant, and sometimes it can be a real pain in the neck. If you’re taking a roadtrip, here are 5 tips to avoid the neck and back pain.


1. It’s All About Posture

The ideal angle for your seat is 100 degrees which is just shy away from being straight. Your hands should be placed placed at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock position on the steering wheel.

Correct spine posture for driver. Spine driver incorrect, right spine driver, position good spine driver. Vector illustration infographics
Photo credit: www.simplebackpain.com

2. Support Your Neck

Adjust your headrest so that you can comfortably place your neck on it. Otherwise you can always get a headrest that is more comfortable.

Photo credit: wikiHow

3. Support Your Lower Back

If you car seat offers lumbar support use it to fill the lower part of your back. Otherwise, use a pillow to provide support.

Photo credit: Pinterest

4. Lean Back & Stretchhhhhh!

This might seem obvious but most drivers are tense when they are driving. Just leaning back and resting will really help. It will be a bit weird at first, but this way you help reduce the stress on your neck and upper body. get-good-posture

5. Take A Break

Sometimes, no matter how comfortable you are, you just need to take a break. Get out of the car and stretch. This will loosen you up and you are good to go after a few minutes of rest.

Photo Cred: mimpi2020.blogspot.com
Photo credit: mimpi2020.blogspot.com
If you’re like most Malaysians who spend long hours on the road stuck in traffic, make sure you get the right postures and support for your back and neck. Just bearing through the pain might lead you to get worse pains in the future. Of course, having a doctor for when your car breaks down helps too. Download CARPUT and be sure that we will be there to save you, be it a car battery problem or even if you run out of petrol.

READ  Exercises To Do When You're Stuck In Bad Traffic

Enjoyed reading this article? Here are some healthy snacks that you can bring with you on your next road trip! Share this with your friends and family!

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