Your Friendly Roadside Buddy, Kapten CARPUT


We all trust a familiar face

You leave all your car problems to your regular workshop because you can count on them to get it fixed. Or you call your friend who knows a little more about cars than you for help. And sometimes, you are blessed with a random act of kindness from a stranger. It is definitely a great feeling to know that someone is there for you.

A constant act of kindness – Kapten CARPUT

Though it may sound silly to call ourselves Kapten CARPUT, we believe the work we deal with day-to-day are highly emotional and delicate. Whenever you are in a stranded situation, you can bet on us to pick up your call and be there for you. We are all ordinary Malaysians that understand the struggles of the daily commute to work, to school, or just to get some chores done.

Doing the work of a superhero

We are on a mission to disrupt the roadside assistance industry with our services that prioritise your needs first. Days of unscrupulous workshops and unreliable roadside assistance are numbered.  So, who is Kapten CARPUT? Rather, we are a team of dedicated professionals ready to give you the best of roadside assistance.

How can Kapten CARPUT help you?

When you are unable to get your car started due to a dead car battery, Kapten CARPUT can deliver a new battery to you in 45 minutes. Or if you’ve got a flat tyre, leave the tough job to the Kapten. Just think of Kapten CARPUT as your best buddy for all things car related.

READ  Now In Johor Bahru! CARPUT On Demand Car Breakdown Service
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